General Aspects of the RTE

TYPO3 can do even more!

Because of its modular design and the strengths of the core system TYPO3 CMS can be used effectively for websites and for many other purposes. We use TYPO3 inter alia for the optimization of business organization and for quality management.

We have developed the TYPO3-Extension a7bpm. This is the technical basis for the organization system EFFIZIENZ-LOTSE®. BPM means "Business Process Management".

Optimization of Enterprise with TYPO3

The EFFIZIENZ-LOTSE® based on TYPO3  allows to improve the quality in all divisions of an emterprise and to reduce costs by:

1.    maximum efficiency of all workflows

2.    fewer errors in all areas of activity

3.    a new degree of flexibility in staffing

4.    simple and time-saving management of stationery

Even as QM-system the EFFIZIENZ-LOTSE® supports employees from all departments in day-to-day work.

Scope of Services

The organization and QM-system on the basis of TYPO3 offers, among other things:

  • Collection, optimization and completion all operational

    • standard procedures,
    • patterns,
    • rules

  • graphically prepared, user-oriented process descriptions
  • provision of all operational rules, including relevant legal provisions in wiki like style
  • automatic archiving of released versions
  • direct access to the latest version of each template or pattern
  • list of abbreviations and explications used in the text
  • support of the users through  a variety of search options, selection lists, etc.
  • optional: The basis for ISO 9001 certification

Images in the Rich Text Editor

cherry blossomsA website based on TYPO3 is very powerful, attractive and easy to use, if it is professionally set up. This includes search engine optimisation which is important for the success of the website.

In such a website you can concentrate on the content free from worries and extend and update it at any time. Also in this area TYPO3 will help you, not least by means of our video training series and with the help of  typo3.org.

The videos are available for direct viewing on  typo3.org. This applies to the original series in TYPO3 Version 4.2. As soon as or as far as updated videos are available, these will also be set on  typo3.org.

high bush cranberryunfolding leaf in springchicory

Setting Links in the RTE

Based on the powerful content management system TYPO3, your website can be set up in a way that allows you to easily change or add content at any time, from any place with internet access. You may include your own texts, images and other files without any HTML or programming knowledge. If you are looking for a highly specialized function or simply need some help, you can ask for professional support.

Another important aspect is: TYPO3 is capable of search engine optimisation in various ways.

That means, once your website is built with TYPO3, the only task remaining is to provide nice content and keep it up-to-date.

Tables in the RTE

Examples of TYPO3 extensions

ExtensionKeyAuthorShort description
RealURL: speaking paths for TYPO3 realurl Dmitry Dulepov Creates nice looking and search-engine-friendly URLs
Newstt_news Ruppert German Website messages with eye catcher on the first page and internal item management
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